August 1, 2009 journal, interesting twist on the banks requiring to know where you got the money to pay them off. Maybe it's better not to pay them off. A local issue before the County Council is to control all lands and require that one have 10 acres to build a house. Lord, deliver us from this mockery I pray & give us common sense today if it be thy will. by Fred Marshall Jr. "A rental property I own has a small remaining mortgage balance on it, $20,000 and some change. It has passed through several hands but CountryWide had it for a number of years till Bank Of America recently took it over. Friday I decided that I should pay off the balance on it before the dollar collapses. So I called BOA and asked for a payoff figure effective next Friday. The lady put me on hold and came back with a payoff, $20,393.54. Then she told me the payoff would have to be in certified funds (cashier's check, etc.) and I told her I'd get it in the mail the first of the week. "And the source of the funds?" she asked. I said "Beg your pardon, what did you say?" "Where is the money coming from," she clarified. I said "I can't believe you asked that, that's none of anybody's business, certainly not Bank of America's." We have to ask, we have to make certain the funds are not illegally acquired," she politely said. "Are you borrowing the money from a banking institution, is it a gift from a relative, we need to know where the money is coming from." m So I thought I'd have a little fun. I asked "What if I'd asked, when the loan was made, where the money was coming from, what would Bank of America have told me? Would they have told me that the money didn't exist before the loan was made, would they have told me the bank was creating it out of thin air? Would they have told me it was debt and not money? Would they have told me the money was created as part of an unconstitutional, and thus illegal, Ponzi scheme?" I presumed she didn't know that BOA hadn't made the original loan. Her hesitation and stuttering and stammering told me she had no clue what I was talking about, so I continued while I had her on the ropes. "If I tell you the money is coming from an illegal drug deal, does that mean you won't accept the payoff, that Bank of America doesn't want the money. She was quicker on her feet this time and had a pretty good answer, "Well, if we were to accept money we know came from a drug deal, then we'd be guilty of laundering drug money, and we couldn't knowingly do that." "That's understandable," I said, "so what if I just refuse to tell you where it's coming from - - because it is none of your business - - do you still not want the money, and will you send me a certified letter refusing payoff unless I disclose the source of the funds?" "Why would you want a letter of refusal, do you want to pay the loan off or not?" she queried. "Well, if I attempt to pay you and you refuse to accept legitimate payment in full, then I suppose I could find a law that says, by refusing to accept full payment, BOA would be waiving its right to be paid. Then I'd own the house free and clear without paying it off. Now that would be justice, considering that BOA doesn't have any money invested in the mortgage." She was speechless. Though she mumbled a few unconnected phrases, I could tell she hadn't encountered anything like this before. She finally suggested that I speak with her supervisor. I said "No, I'll just send you the money and let you decide what to do with it. Don't go to Las Vegas with it, either apply it to pay off the mortgage or send it back to me uncashed with a letter of refusal. Is that okay?" When she didn't answer immediately, I concluded, "Thank you, you've been very nice, good by now and I hung up" July 31, 2009 journal, the auto incentive is off with a billion dollars spent in only 4 days. $1 billion in 4 days causing a automobile buying frenzy is as costly to the government as the wars. - Some say the stimulus is hurting the economy. I think this will now finish off the auto industry forever. Unions should be proud of themselves for killing business. The awful advertisements continue on television to come and get 4500 for your clucker. If this is what it takes to sell automobiles let the manufacturers cut the price to sell them. Dear Mike-you make a good case and I need a lawyer to argue with you but it will not come from my 2 lawyer grandkids or my future lawyer grand daughter in law. actually, Lott and his family did not leave near as much as the faggots of Sodom in the sense that they left this world. Lot's wife also looked back and turn to a pillow of salt as you know. The 3 Hebrew children did not go anyplace, they were not raptured but they were saved from the fiery furnace 10 times hotter than normal. If the Antichrist did not come 1500 years ago more or less, he sure is here now causing hell on earth but he is happy with most of the modern church i believe. there has been great tribulation since Christ was here, an estimated 100 million Christians died for their faith and isLam is not the only one out to kill Christians still every day now in the world. When I began painting art as you suggest my theology began to change and I could not help it, it came to me. actually, there is no rapture in Revelation. the apostle Paul mentions being caught up or caught away to be with Christ but Revelation says Heaven is coming to earth as it is renewed. No need to pack your things because it is coming here as God Almighty will destroy all evil once again. it took me years to understand this after being indoctrinated by the Masonic Church. I had to dismiss all lifetime doctrine from my mind to understand. when I shifted to Pentecost at age 13 the eternal security doctrine had not yet obsessed me. the Pentecostal Holiness discipline strictly forbid been a member of secret orders and still does but he will not hear it preached against today in any pH church. Because they need money they are silent. God help them. Dear Michael-You will be happy to know that because of Your insistence I have put my first paint on canvas in 3 months continuing one that I had begun entitled All Medical Leads to Chemotherapy and Death. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness and of course the medical profession uses that symbol as though they were righteous. This is actually Antichrist rising. What we have surely must be the worst medical disaster. I will paint the pole with the 2 serpent's heads opposites catching all human beings in the trap. I started to shake some red paint last month without the top being on tight and spilled some of it. When I splashed it on a canvas i did not realize how useful it may be to represent the fire we go through. the occult symbol by the medical profession represents the God of Commerce hermes (mercury) although people think it is a righteous Old Testament symbol of healing. Sick is for profit with the medical profession. Did you know the U.S. Army adopted this pagan image of Hermes for their medical corps image in 1902. They are incorporating religion alright but it's the wrong religion. the army has been performing abortions long before Roe vs. Wade under the title of D&C's. Janette worked as a medical secretary at Devon's Massachusetts back in the '50s.